Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Once again, banks are in the news. I only saw a bit of a Congressional hearing on CNN last night, but now I'm reading about it on the internet. Every time I see bank executives speak in front of a panel, I just know that they're lying to save their fat a$$. Here some statements as posted on Yahoo:

"We are frugal," said Wells Fargo's John Stumpf. "We're Americans first. We're bankers second."
I can imagine this guy lying all the while dreaming of the fat bonu$ he just gave to himself for being such a good liar...

"We understand taxpayers are angry" and they are right in demanding that institutions receiving their money take a "conservative, sober and frugal" approach to using it, said Kenneth D. Lewis of Bank of America.
Another liar. Let me translate: He understands that we taxpayers are angry, but he really does not give a crap! Oh I really hate Bank Of America...

You just know they're lying... "FBI Deputy Director John Pistole told that Senate panel that there are 530 active corporate fraud investigations, and 38 of them involve corporate fraud and financial institution matters directly related to the economic crisis."

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